Policy Analyst

Website knightgtown Knight-Georgetown Institute

The Knight-Georgetown Institute (KGI) is seeking its first Policy Analyst. KGI was recently established to translate research about technology and the online information environment for policy and industry audiences, and to connect and convene academics with policy stakeholders. The Policy Analyst will play a crucial role in this work by researching and assessing the policy landscape, synthesizing research results of relevance to policy debates, and helping to organize policy-related events. The Policy Analyst will be expected to contribute across KGI’s focus areas: tech platform regulation and design, generative AI and public trust, and competition issues in tech. This position offers the opportunity to contribute to high-impact policy analysis and to engage with policymakers, researchers, and the media. KGI is a brand new organization and the person taking on this role will have the opportunity to help build KGI’s presence and reputation at the intersection of policy and research.

Tagged as: analysis, Policy, research

To apply for this job please visit kgi.georgetown.edu.