Charles Cheng is a member of patent, trademark and copyright group at Oracle Corp., and licensed to practice patent before USPTO.
Prior to this role, he had a decade of Research & Development experience at several high tech companies in Silicon Valley including startups and Fortune 500 companies. Charles is also an inventor of several US patents.
He received J.D. from University of San Francisco School of Law part-time evening program with Honors in Intellectual Property and Technology, and a M.S. in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California.
He served as a senior editor of Intellectual Property and Technology Law Journal during law school, a president of a Toastmasters club, and was a winner of Toastmasters International Speech Contest (Area level) and finalist (Divisional level).
Charles was fascinated by Internet Law when seeing the intersection of disruptive technologies, fast evolving laws and internet’s ubiquitous presence. He hopes to play a role in the ongoing dialogue in this area as a fellow.